
Each week once we get running full speed we will air a video message on this site.



Hi! And welcome to the Psalm 117 Ministries web site. We are an off shoot of Land of The Father Ministries. We believe that we are at a time when denominations are the least important issue to concern ourselves about. And that the Book of Acts is closed and the book of Revelations is opening.

We believe that the rapture, or the taking away, is about to occur and that the gospel needs to be clearly stated and left for those who will still be here after we’re gone. So we will endevour to leave a written record of the gospel and a video message of different issues as we have time.

We are also concerned with what is happening in Israel and the rise of anti-Semitism in the world. So we have a news page with articles that pertain to the wide spread threat to Israel and the Jews.

As the song says “it’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine” I feel fine because I know were my security comes from and who my Saviour is. There is comfort in the Word of God and the world is in desperate need of comfort. So we pray that you will find this site and find it a comfort in times of tribulation.


Bishop Michael Kendrick



The Gospel Network

Psalms 117 Ministry

Special Music

This Weeks Bible Readings

Our first installment of 52 weekly Bible readings.  


I hope this stirs you to your Soul! as it did me.



I happened upon this message "accidently" today and feel it was worth spreading. Those who know me know I'm not perfect and those who really know me, like my wife knows that this area ( a positive attitude towards worship) is one of my constant struggles. Dr Robinson states the issue in such a way that it is simple clear  and succent.


I was going to save this page for my sermons, but, as I said this issue is important to me and it may be to some of you enjoy.

Dr. Kerry B. Robinson shared his message "Why Church? The Impact of Worship" on November 20, 2011 in the 10:45am service.